"Just Talking Business: Bootstrap to Millions," hosted by Stephanie Van Vark, is an engaging podcast series that delves into the inspiring journeys of individuals who have built their fortunes from the ground up. Each live episode features in-depth interviews with self-made millionaires, exploring their challenges, strategies, and key decisions that led to their success. Audience …
Join Overtown Children and Youth Coalition for an interactive workshop designed to introduce nonprofit organizations to the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This session will equip you with practical tools and knowledge to enhance grant writing, communication, and operational efficiency. Learn how AI can help you stay competitive and make a greater impact in …
Unlock the secrets to mastering your business finances with our in-person seminar, How Your Money Moves. This comprehensive session is designed to provide entrepreneurs and business owners with the essential knowledge and tools to manage cash flow effectively and create accurate financial projections. In this in-person session, you will:
Unlock the secrets to mastering your business finances with our in-person seminar, How Your Money Moves. This comprehensive session is designed to provide entrepreneurs and business owners with the essential knowledge and tools to manage cash flow effectively and create accurate financial projections. In this in-person session, you will: